Thursday 31 July 2014

Joke of the day

Today was joke day, so we all shared a joke. One of our favourites was by Nga:

Q.What do sheep do on a sunny day?
A. Have a baa, baa, Q!

Hunter went the extra mile and actually played a joke on Miss Cowie by surprising her, this morning...

Writing today :)

Today we watched 1/2 (37 seconds) of the video clip below and then got to write what we thought happens next...

"Oh no" growled the lions. Don't look the Cobra in the eye. I think it is trying to eat us.
By Max

Ssssss. The lion went into his tummy. "Oh you taste disgusting" said the Cobra and spat him out.
By Nga

"Sssss" shouted the Cobra. I'm going to brake you into bits.
By Emily

"Watch out!" hissed the hungry Cobra. I will gobble you up. Gobble! Gobble! Crunch!
"Is the Cobra trying to eat us?" asked the lion cub.
By Cassie

I will gobble your ear! By Joss

Sssss went the snake. "Should we eat him?" said the Lions.
By Finn

At the end of writing, we got to watch what actually happened to the lion cubs.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Ice Skating 2014

Monday 28 July 2014

Romahapa Ski Trip 2014

Monday 21 July 2014

Welcome back to term 3!

It has been a very exciting day because... Romahapa School now has 3 classes! The junior room now has only 16 class members.

 Max, Cassie, Joss, Tilly and Mykaelah did a fantastic job on word power! Look at all the words they can write!
 Today we also got a new class member, Chris. Welcome to Romahapa School :)
Thanks, Jack for being our class photographer, you did a great job!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Friday's Brainteaser

What has a face and 2 hands but no arms, legs, eyes or nose?

Hint: The answer has something to do with what we having been learning :) Good luck!

Thursday 3 July 2014


Today Olivia taught us some basketball skills. It was great fun but..... it was FREEZING!

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Jack and Tilly's birthday

Today was Jack's 6th birthday and Tilly's 5th. Welcome Tilly to our class!
Jack's Mum Suzie made a chocolate cake for the whole school to share. Thank you very much it was delicious!

Marvelous maths work

 Kate wakes up at 7:30
 Nicole has dinner at 6:30 pm
 Sophie has dinner at 5 o'clock
 Great puzzle work Tilly and Sam O.
 Wow look at all the ways Hunter, Cooper and James can make 100!