Thursday, 5 November 2015

Who am I?

We have created some animal riddles. Check out our slide show below to see if you can figure them out... good luck!

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Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Stig Wemyss

On Friday we went to see Stig Wemyss who is an Australia narrator and actor. He narrates the tree house story books and was fantastic to watch. He taught us lots of new games and made us laugh a lot!!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Miss Latta

Easy Blog Photo
We are very lucky to have Miss Latta in our class over the next three weeks. She is learning to become a teacher and she does lots of fun activities with us!

Welcome New Class Members!

Easy Blog Photo
The junior room is growing as we have just gained 4 new class members; Kaleb, Slade, Nikcoie and Logan. It is great to have you all part of our class!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Today Rory came and taught us some tennis skills. Watch us try and balance a ball on our rackets and try to hit the ball over the net!

Welcome Andrew!

On Friday Andrew was 5 and had his first day at school! It is great to have Andrew and his family part of our school community. Andrew even brought a delicious cake to share with our class :)

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Isla and Annabelle make some speedy cars!

Yesterday Isla and Annabelle read the story "Jack and Billy". In the story Jack and Billy created their own cars and we thought it would be a great idea to make our own. Check out the cars and let us know what you think!

Monday, 12 October 2015

Tilly's Reading

Today Tilly was our star of the day. She read to us a book called 'Different Plants'. We liked how she read with expression and knew all the tricky words. Jack thought the plant that captured flies was really interesting and we wondered if there was one big enough to chomp us?

Friday, 18 September 2015

If I was a pirate...

Pirate Party Day

Today we dressed as pirates and had an adventurous treasure hunt. Thank you to the seniors who helped hide our treasure and help us read our map instructions.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Pirate Week

This week we are having a pirate week!! We created our own pirate avatars, check them out below...
                      Alex                                                 Annabelle

                   Brooklyn                                                 Em

                      Emily                                                 Isla

                          Jack                                                    Joss

                     Kaden                                                 Mac

                           Sam I                                               Sam O

                       Tilly                                           Daniel
                     Ivi                                                     Nikcoie


Otago Art Society Youth Awards

Last week we all entered a piece of art into the Otago Art Society Youth Awards. We all worked hard and produced a wonderful piece of art. In particular, well done to Joss who won a prize for her very creative mask and Mac who got 3rd for his peacock art. Ka pai, we are very proud of you two!


Cassie and Joss
Thankyou very much to Lisa Winslade who took our art through to the railway station for us.
P.s. remember our art is on display at the Dunedin Railway station until the 4th of October :)