Today for writing we watched a short movie about a boy who made a space ship and went for an adventure.
After watching, we discussed where we would like to go in a rocket ship and who we might meet.
Click the link below to watch the video (go to the bottom of the page)
The way back home video

Cool! I’m going to
space! Look, I can see the sun out of my spaceship window. Wow, that’s bright!
By Mykaelah
BLAST OFF! I’m in my rocket ship. I am going
to an ice cream world. It was cold and gooey. On the way home I stop at Nan and
Granddad’s house. I took jam and cream ice cream.
By Daniel
I went to space and I saw a crater and I went to
Jupiter. On Jupiter I saw a green slimy monster with 8 eyes.
By Sam I
I am going up to the sun. By Tilly
My shark rocket ship is counting down until it
goes. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 blast off! My shark rocket is going to space. I am
going to meet the first ever dog to go in space. "Ahhhhh, a big foot is coming" I scream.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” yelled big foot.
By Hunter
I go in my space rocket! Blast off. I’m going to over the sea to China. I land
on a bridge, I hope it is safe. “Move out of the way” I screamed.
I am
going to the moon. I can see an alien. It is green with a big wart on its face.
Please tell us what your think of our writing!